genome-sampler usage tutorial

This document provides illustrates how to use genome-sampler on a small tutorial data set.

Download tutorial data

The tutorial data set used here is intended for educational purposes only. If you’re interested in using these sequences for other analyses, we recommend starting with sequence repositories such as GISAID or NCBI Genbank, which may have updated versions.

Download the tutorial sequences and corresponding metadata using the following commands:

mkdir -p tutorial-data
curl -sL --output tutorial-data/focal-seqs.fasta
curl -sL --output tutorial-data/context-seqs.fasta
curl -sL --output tutorial-data/focal-metadata.tsv
curl -sL --output tutorial-data/context-metadata.tsv

Using genome-sampler (Snakemake workflow)

The full genome-sampler workflow can be run using Snakemake [6]. If you’d like to get started quickly and use default parameters, start here. If you’d like more control over your analysis or want to work through the steps individually, move on to the next section.

Download the Snakemake and associated config file using curl as follows:

curl -sL --output Snakefile
curl -sL --output config.yaml

Place the resulting Snakemake file in the same folder as the sequence and metadata files that you downloaded above. Then run:


When this workflow completes, there will be two primary output files that you’ll use. sequences.fasta will contain your subsampled context sequences and your focal sequences. You should use this file for downstream analyses, such as alignment and phylogenetic analyses. selection-summary.qzv will provide a summary of the sampling run. You can view this file using QIIME 2 View.


After loading selection-summary.qzv with QIIME 2 View, click the Provenance tab to see full details on the workflow that was executed. This allows you to review exactly what steps were performed, what parameters were used for each step, and what versions of genome-sampler and its dependencies were installed when you ran genome-sampler. Keep this file for your records so you can refer to it if any of this information is needed in the future (for example, when publishing your findings).

You should now be able to move on to analysis of your own data. See Adapting Snakemake workflow for application to your own data to learn about what changes you might want to make to your Snakefile before running your own analysis.


Using genome-sampler (step-by-step instructions)

If you are working with the tutorial data above, then you will need to enter the tutorial directory. If you are working with your own data, then replace file paths as appropriate.

cd tutorial-data/

You’ll begin the workflow by importing the fasta files into QIIME 2 Artifacts. QIIME 2 Artifacts are structured zip files which will contain the data (still in fasta format), but also some QIIME 2-specific information that (among other things) automates your method recording so you don’t have to do that.

qiime tools import \
  --input-path context-seqs.fasta \
  --output-path context-seqs.qza \
  --input-format GISAIDDNAFASTAFormat \
  --type FeatureData[Sequence]

qiime tools import \
  --input-path focal-seqs.fasta \
  --output-path focal-seqs.qza \
  --input-format GISAIDDNAFASTAFormat \
  --type FeatureData[Sequence]

If you’re obtaining context sequences from a public repository, you may encounter context sequences that don’t have associated metadata records. Steps in this workflow that require context sequence metadata would fail as a result. At this stage we therefore filter any context sequences that don’t have metadata records.

qiime feature-table filter-seqs \
  --i-data context-seqs.qza \
  --m-metadata-file context-metadata.tsv \
  --o-filtered-data context-seqs-w-metadata.qza

Next, we’ll apply a quality filter to the sequence data. Technically this is an optional step for both the context and focal sequences, but in practice if you obtain your context sequences from a public repository you should consider the context sequence filtering to be essential. You can use this to remove sequences based on their length (if they’re too short or too long), and based on the proportion of ambiguous (e.g., N) nucleotide characters that they contain. Here we’ll apply this both to the context sequences and the focal sequences. We’ll remove sequences with a proportion of 1% or more ambiguous characters.

qiime genome-sampler filter-seqs \
  --i-sequences context-seqs-w-metadata.qza \
  --p-max-proportion-ambiguous 0.01 \
  --o-filtered-sequences filtered-context-seqs.qza

qiime genome-sampler filter-seqs \
  --i-sequences focal-seqs.qza \
  --p-max-proportion-ambiguous 0.01 \
  --o-filtered-sequences filtered-focal-seqs.qza

If you’d like to see what other options you can control during this filtering step, you can run:

qiime genome-sampler filter-seqs --help


The --help parameter can be provided to any of the commands that are used in this tutorial.

At any time, you could get some summary information about your sequences using the following command:

qiime feature-table tabulate-seqs \
  --i-data filtered-focal-seqs.qza \
  --o-visualization filtered-focal-seqs.qzv

That command will create a QIIME 2 visualization that you can view using QIIME 2 View. Try viewing that file and finding information such as the number of sequences present in this file and the median length of the sequences. (Your data is not uploaded to a server when you visit QIIME 2 View, so you don’t need to be conerned about exposing sensitive research data.)


If some of your focal sequences are present in your context sequence collection (for example because you submitted your sequences to GISAID before downloading GISAID), you should remove those sequences from either your focal or context sequence collection. See Removing sequences present in both focal and context sequence collections for instructions on how to do that.

We’re now ready to start sampling our data, and we’ll do this in three steps. These subsampling steps are independent, so can be run in any order.

First, we’ll sample across time. By default, this will select seven genomes per seven day period. The file that gets generated as a result here isn’t something that is very useful to view directly, but we’ll use it in a few minutes to see how many sequences were retained at this step.

qiime genome-sampler sample-longitudinal \
  --i-context-seqs filtered-context-seqs.qza \
  --m-dates-file context-metadata.tsv \
  --m-dates-column date \
  --o-selection date-selection.qza

Next, we’ll sample across viral diversity. This will cluster sequences at a percent identity threshold of 99.95%, and select the centroid sequence from each cluster to include in downstream analyses.

qiime genome-sampler sample-diversity \
  --i-context-seqs filtered-context-seqs.qza \
  --p-percent-id 0.9995 \
  --o-selection diversity-selection.qza

Last, we’ll sample near neighbors of the focal sequences from the context sequences. Of the near-neighbor sequences that are identified for each focal sequence (up to 10 by default), 3 sequences will be selected at random such that each location (defined in the context-metadata.tsv file) has an equal probability of being selected for inclusion in downstream analysis.

qiime genome-sampler sample-neighbors \
  --i-focal-seqs filtered-focal-seqs.qza \
  --i-context-seqs filtered-context-seqs.qza \
  --m-locale-file context-metadata.tsv \
  --m-locale-column location \
  --p-percent-id 0.9999 \
  --p-samples-per-cluster 3 \
  --o-selection neighbor-selection.qza

Now, we’ll combine the results of the three sampling approaches and generate a summary of the full selection process.

qiime genome-sampler combine-selections \
  --i-selections date-selection.qza diversity-selection.qza neighbor-selection.qza \
  --o-combined-selection master-selection.qza

qiime genome-sampler summarize-selections \
  --i-selections date-selection.qza diversity-selection.qza neighbor-selection.qza \
  --o-visualization selection-summary.qzv

The selection-summary.qzv file provides a summary of the sampling run. You can view this file using QIIME 2 View. Be sure to click the Provenance tab after loading the file on that page - that will provide full details on the workflow that was executed. How many sequences were retained by each sampling step?

We’re now ready to start compiling our final data set. To do this, we’ll use the master-selection.qza file to select specific context sequences from the filtered-context-seqs.qza file that was generated earlier.

qiime feature-table filter-seqs \
  --i-data filtered-context-seqs.qza \
  --m-metadata-file master-selection.qza \
  --o-filtered-data subsampled-context-seqs.qza

Next, merge the resulting subsampled context sequences with the focal sequences to create the final QIIME 2 artifact. Then, export that to generate a fasta file that you can use in downstream analysis.

qiime feature-table merge-seqs \
  --i-data subsampled-context-seqs.qza filtered-focal-seqs.qza \
  --o-merged-data sequences.qza

qiime tools export \
  --input-path sequences.qza \
  --output-path sequences.fasta \
  --output-format DNAFASTAFormat

Optional: alignment and phylogenetic reconstruction with QIIME 2

QIIME 2 contains tools for preliminary sequence alignment and phylogenetic tree generation in the q2-alignment and q2-phylogeny plugins. QIIME 2 is not designed for high-accuracy phylogenetic analysis, but it can help you to generate and visualize initial alignments and trees.

These steps would take the sequences.qza file as input, so if you’re interested in using these you could postpone or skip the export step that you ran above.

If you’d like to learn more about this, refer to Downstream alignment and phylogenetics with QIIME 2.