genome-sampler installation instructions

This document provides instructions for installing genome-sampler.

Installation instructions

Install Miniconda

Miniconda provides the conda environment and package manager, and is the recommended way to install genome-sampler. Follow the instructions for downloading and installing Miniconda. You may choose either Miniconda2 or Miniconda3 (i.e. Miniconda Python 2 or 3). genome-sampler will work with either version of Miniconda.

Install wget

conda install wget

Create a conda environment for genome-sampler

For linux installation environments, please run:

conda env create -n genome-sampler-2020.8 --file genome-sampler-py36-linux-conda.yml
rm genome-sampler-py36-linux-conda.yml

For macOS installation environments, please run:

conda env create -n genome-sampler-2020.8 --file genome-sampler-py36-osx-conda.yml
rm genome-sampler-py36-osx-conda.yml

Activate the genome-sampler conda environment

conda activate genome-sampler-2020.8